Home Insurance and California Fires
If you live in California you are well aware that this beautiful state suffers from its annual wildfires. Is has become an expected event and we all just either are thankful that we don’t live in areas that suffer wildfires or we get down on our knees and pray to the good Lord that the fires will not hit us.
Something interesting that is now happening once again, insurance carriers are now annoucing they will not write or add more coverage in certain areas.
Just today an insurance carrier announced the following moratorium:
In light of the recent wildfires in California, the following zip codes have been restricted:
- Quail Fire
- Zip codes closed: 95688, 95694
- Effective 6/7/20
- Located: Solano County, CA
- Hunters Fire
- Zip code closed: 95338
- Effective 6/7/20
- Located: Mariposa County, CA
- Equestrian Fire
- Zip codes closed: 91354, 91384
- Effective 6/8/20
- Located: Castaic, CA
Please note that users will not be able to bind new business and endorsement transactions on property policies in these zip codes until the moratorium is lifted.
It is so important especially if you live in an area that may be prone to wildfires that you ensure your home insurance policy is setup property prior to dealing with a major world event such as a wildfire.
Some of the things you should consider are the following:
- Can I afford the deductible option I have selected
- Are the Building limits adequate to rebuild my home
- Do I have enough coverage to pay for my temporary housing
- Do I have enough contents coverage
- Do I have a home inventory list of all of my contents itemized electronically in the cloud
- Is my liability coverage enough to protect me in the event someone is injured
If you are trying to fix all of these items after the fire happens as you can see this will not be a viable option. Home Insurance Carriers are very quick to stop these types of changes even to existing policy holders.
If you are not sure you have the right coverage or you just want to find out if you can save some money on your Home Insurance please give us a call and we will conduct a complete policy review.
Integrity Now Insurance Brokers, Inc.